Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 20

That's so freaky.

I just received an email from Patrick. He talked about people getting sick while on the Peak. Well it just so happens that this morning I woke up with a terrible sinus headache and have been stuffed up, hot/ cold, sneezy, and overall feeling like dirt all day. I picked up some Sudafed at lunch hoping it would help cure or, at the very least, subdue my aliments. I feel a tab better but mostly like I have a giant "Brain Cloud." I'm heading home from work soon and am going to take his advice by cutting down my reps, etc. Then I'll have dinner and straight to bed. I HAVE TO GET BETTER BY FRIDAY!! I am going upstate for our yearly Winter Capoeira Retreat. Three days full of training, playing capoeira, maculele, yoga, music and fun. I refuse to be sick and have to miss out.

Oh by the way...Did you know that Sudafed has 20mg of sodium per pill. Why is that necessary? Also, Halls cough drops have a ton of sugar. No worries though, I found sugar-free ones too. But, really...salt in a pill!?!

Brain Cloud at 2:23


  1. You and my flamates, Mickey. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Feel better, Lilica! And have fun at Ananda! Better hide the pollo from the Hindus...

  3. I love that film, Joe versus the volcano! So much great stuff in it. I always love the bits with the chauffeur who drives Joe around.

    Hope your brain cloud is better now. Then at least you won't have to jump into the volcano!
