Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 49

Men, I'm warning you right now this post is all about women stuff.

So the last couple of days have been really hard. One thing I have never mentioned is that about 3 years ago I was diagnosed with PMDD. One of my initial hopes was that with a healthy PCP lifestyle my symptoms would decrease. Well in fact this month it's here with a vengance. Some months are better than others, but when it's bad it's really bad. I have every single highlighted item on the list below and the ones in red are the ones that really interfere with my daily life.

These usually last about a week to two weeks a month and subside after, you know after my friend comes. But, that little bastard doesn't seem to want to come this month. This has happened the last time I trained hard and lost some weight. I didn't get it for like 6-8months.

It really sucks because I am so cranky, I just hate everything and everyone right now, I am completely EXHAUSTED all the time, my back is KILLING ME, I want to eat everything in the house. And by the way that's just what I did the other night. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, all I have in the house are healthy things so I ended up downing the following; 6 pitted dates, an extra apple, an extra egg white, 5 dried pineapple rings, cup of Kashi 7 whole grain cereal puffs with skim, 30 grams of a whole wheat baguette, I think there might have been some cold yams and I'm sure there is some other things I can't think of now...anyway this was after my evening snack so I already had consumed all my food for the day. Even after that I was still hungry but I made myself go to bed. I really want to eat something else tonight but right now I am just too tired to move.

I trained Capoeira tonight and my lack of coordination, focus, extreme fatigue and backache made it really freaking difficult. I had to fight hard not to just pick up and walk out of class. Then I came home and had to do my timed jumps. That sucked even more. My shins are so sore and I couldn't keep a rhythm to save my life. Ugh...I think I'm done for the night. Going to bed. Can't wait till this time next week when I can feel like myself again.


  1. Hi Mickey, thanks for the warning on your post, but I grew up in always surrounded by women so nothing like this fazes me in the least :)

    I think each of us is carrying our own mental and physical ailments with us as we go through the programme. That you manage to continue through the bad times without giving up completely is amazing. The food you ate was of a good quality; since it was only one night, you shouldn't feel bad. Just pick yourself up the next day and try again. You are doing so well, and it's a pleasure to see you get fitter, stronger and leaner.

  2. I hope your friend comes soon.

  3. hahaha...thanks Brian, me too. And Nickety, you're so right. I sometimes forget to cut myself some slack and to just be proud of not giving up and pushing through.

  4. Hugs! That sucks! I hope your symptoms disappear soon and you're back to wanting to kick some A$$ (in a constructive way).

    thinking good thoughts ...

  5. Mickey, I also have to deal with very intense moments all along my cycle. Though I think they're not as extreme as what you mention. There is a good book that has helped me to deal better with my emotions and physical distress around moon time. The book is also great because it explains the cycle in a compassionate way; as a moment in which our bodies should be treated differently and our minds should be cared for.
    The book is called "The Woman's Yoga Book" by Bobby Clennell. A yoga teacher who studied with Iyengar himself and his daughter, also a teacher who developed a special method to help women.
    I don't know if you are interested in yoga but the asanas she recommends are simple and feel like stretches and the introduction to the book is worth a reading.
    As a matter of fact since I began PCP I have let aside these teachings and I'm seeing my dark side more often than before....

  6. Ugh... that sucks. And you are a total trooper for pushing through all of it and continuing. I'm glad you didn't give up and that your food splurge consisted of what it did (i.e., nothing full of grease or chemicals or utter crap at all).

    I hope your friend pays her visit soon or, at the very least, that you get some relief from the symptoms. Channeling good thoughts your way.

  7. I was watching you in class that night and you looked great. So, things were definitely different from the outside than they felt o the inside, FYI.

  8. Thank you all for your encouraging words. Lili that book sounds interesting and I'll definitely check it out.
