Tuesday, March 9, 2010

54 - Update

Patrick emailed me after my last posting. He reminded me that PCP is a two way street and that if I'm feeling like something is off in my diet that I should just email him and they will try to find something that works more for me. He explained why my portions were so lean and reassured me that by the end of this I will be eating like a normal person again. Needless to say, I'm feeling much better about the Peak today. I'm still extremely tired and weak feeling, but I have a new hope and I am beginning to see the light at the end. It's a very, very, teeny tiny spot of light, but a light none-the-less.

So here's another update. I measured myself around day 1 and haven't again until today. I was worried that I was beginning to bulk up, a worry all of us women are having but it was exactly the opposite. Check out these numbers:

Total inches lost: 7.5

Now check out these tape measuring skillz!!


  1. Where is my tape measure?? I need my tape measure now!

  2. Parabens/congrats Lilica! =) I love reading your blog. You did do a post where you explained your nickname right?! I think it's so cute that Lili's name is so close to your capoeira nickname.
