(This is actually day 8, because day 1 was a really crappy quality taken with my phone.)

I didn't think that I would have the cahonies (sp?) to put up a bikini shot, but after 90 days of hard work and perseverance how could I not.

Went to capoeira class this afternoon. I knew my body was already tired and hurtin from last nights work out but I had no idea just how bad it was going to be. I was basically at complete muscle failure 10 min into the start of the class. Today, Foca had us do Capoeira circuit training. It basically was the FCP, " The Foca Condition Project", and that sh*t was no joke. 7 stations about 1.5 - 2 min each.
1. pisão rodando
2. Queda take down
3. Step up Jinga on a stack of really high mats
4. Jump rope
5. Jinga with 10lb weights in your arms
6. Down to push up, jump back up martelo kick
7. Same thing
And do it again...
Then a 1/2 hr of floreios. Headsprings, sdobrados, macacu...
Oh and before all that was warm up, consisting of running, push-ups, jumping jack like things, etc.
There were points where I really thought I was going to die or at the very least pass the hell out. So needless to say I am SPENT.
Foca did tell me that I did a really good job in class at the end though and that just made it all worth it. Trying my best to keep up and do PCP at the same time. It's seriously a difficult task.
Gonna eat lunch take a nap and hope to have energy for my PCP workout. Not too sure how that is going to go after an hour and a half of FCP. Obrigada Foca!!
Total inches lost: 7.5
Now check out these tape measuring skillz!!
I had my 2nd indulgence last night. It was my friend and co-worker, Jenn's birthday and we met her out. Both her and my other friend, Ginasta were so excited when I told them that I decided to use up my indulgence and have a couple drinks. I went for my old staple, Goose and soda with a slice of lemon. So refreshing. I estimated that each drink was probably around 140 calories, since 1 ounce of vodka is around 70 calories. Club soda has 0 and a squeeze of lemon, well who cares. By my 3rd one I started to feel a pretty good buzz. I stopped at 3-3.5. ...Some stupid ass drunk girl grabbed one of my drinks thinking it was hers and when I told her to put it down she rolled her eyes, left it on a ledge and it spilt. I obviously yelled "WTFB" but she took off so quickly into the crowd, and that is where we left it. I think she might have gotten sight on my guns. Anyway...I am way too old to be fighting in a bar, so I'm glad that was the end of it.
Sorry I diverge, back to the indulgence. I expected to feel ill today, but in fact I feel great. I did however notice that my face was red and my pores were enlarged when I woke up. Another thing was that the alcohol left me starving, so when I got home last night I ate the following: 2 cups of air popped popcorn, sm banana, sm apple, and a whole wheat English muffin with sugar free jelly. I know that the drink had something to do with my voracious appetite but I also think that a huge part of it is my diet. I seriously do not think it is healthy to only eat a small banana and an egg white for dinner. And to tell you the truth, I haven't followed that or last week's version with an added small apple once. I always try to, but by 10pm or so I am extremely hungry and that makes my angry and I end up eating something else. It's always something with in the PCP diet but it's always outside my allotted grams.
Lately I find myself not trusting this process. I do not want my abs to look like some sort of quilt or like Poca mentioned, "Madonna's disgusting arms." What drew me here was the idea of eating real food and feeling the healthy effects of a no sugar, no salt diet. I have a pretty positive body image and in fact, this might sound cocky, but I know I am hot just as I am. What I was looking for was just a more improved version of myself, healthier, more fit, stronger in my Capoeira game. When in fact, I feel exhausted, stiff, weak and cranky all the time. Plus, my Capoeira game is totally suffering. Because of the PCP workout I can only find the strength to train 2x a week. So when I go to class I come in far behind the rest who have already been working on a sequence or move the rest of the week.
I'm not going to quit this, if any of you had that idea enter your mind. I always finish what I start, but I will say I am not a true believer.
PS...my friend still hasn't come for a visit and I'm pretty sure that time has come and went.
Men, I'm warning you right now this post is all about women stuff.
So the last couple of days have been really hard. One thing I have never mentioned is that about 3 years ago I was diagnosed with PMDD. One of my initial hopes was that with a healthy PCP lifestyle my symptoms would decrease. Well in fact this month it's here with a vengance. Some months are better than others, but when it's bad it's really bad. I have every single highlighted item on the list below and the ones in red are the ones that really interfere with my daily life.
These usually last about a week to two weeks a month and subside after, you know after my friend comes. But, that little bastard doesn't seem to want to come this month. This has happened the last time I trained hard and lost some weight. I didn't get it for like 6-8months.
It really sucks because I am so cranky, I just hate everything and everyone right now, I am completely EXHAUSTED all the time, my back is KILLING ME, I want to eat everything in the house. And by the way that's just what I did the other night. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, all I have in the house are healthy things so I ended up downing the following; 6 pitted dates, an extra apple, an extra egg white, 5 dried pineapple rings, cup of Kashi 7 whole grain cereal puffs with skim, 30 grams of a whole wheat baguette, I think there might have been some cold yams and I'm sure there is some other things I can't think of now...anyway this was after my evening snack so I already had consumed all my food for the day. Even after that I was still hungry but I made myself go to bed. I really want to eat something else tonight but right now I am just too tired to move.
I trained Capoeira tonight and my lack of coordination, focus, extreme fatigue and backache made it really freaking difficult. I had to fight hard not to just pick up and walk out of class. Then I came home and had to do my timed jumps. That sucked even more. My shins are so sore and I couldn't keep a rhythm to save my life. Ugh...I think I'm done for the night. Going to bed. Can't wait till this time next week when I can feel like myself again.