Holy freaking back ache batman!! My lower back is absolutely killing me.
Today I woke up early and completed my PCP workout. Then after work I trained Capoeira for 1 1/2 hours. For the past couple months my lower back has been bothering me every time I train. I believe it's not necessarily my back, but the muscle or tendons that run from my back to my hamstrings. Usually it's only the right side that hurts, but now it's BOTH sides. I do several stretches in the morning, after class and before bed. I ice it during the day at work and before I go to bed. I'm plain out of ideas. When I took the month of December off, it was definitely better but as soon as I started training again it came back. I certainly am not going to be taking it easy any time soon. So, I looked up some new stretches online and Foca, my mestre, suggested some. I'm hoping they will help. Patrick do you have any suggestions?
Other than that, I'm hanging in there and looking forward to starting our next nutritional phase. I'm curious to see what we will be eating.
Hmm. The thing is there really isn't a muscle that runs from the back to the hamstrings. Give me some more details and I'll help you out.
ReplyDeleteA few years ago I had MASSIVELY tight calf muscles, which made it slightly painful to walk, nevermind run. It turned out to have originated from tension in my upper back from poor posture running (muscles tied to other muscles passed the message down the back half of my body until there were no more muscles to give...). A sports physical therapist eliminated the tension in one visit.
ReplyDeleteI then returned for a few more visits to relearn how to sit/stand/walk/run correctly so the problem wouldn't recur - but you might want to give it a try. Something as under the radar as sitting with poor posture at work might be the culprit.
Hope you feel better -
You should think about seeing a physical therapist and/or finding an Iyengar instructor who you like. Both can make a big difference. Or they did when I loused up my neck years ago. We'll see if they can get me back to class this time.